Smart City 2.0 – Unlocking the Business Potential of MyData in the Cities

Smart City 2.0 – Unlocking the Business Potential of MyData in the Cities

Location: Online Date and time: 13 January 2022, 12:00-14:00 CET Award-winning nonprofit, MyData Global is hosting a satellite event during the Open & Agile Smart Cities CITYxCITY Festival. Part 1 (12-13 CET) will focus on presenting the business opportunities of the MyData thinking in the cities. Part 2 (13-14 CET) will introduce the H3C (human centric companies and cities) training programme for the companies working in the domain of smart cities. H3C project is providing training and networking opportunities for cities and companies using personal data to improve services. The event and the workshop will be the first step in helping companies and cities create more human-centric smart city services. The training programme is part of the wider H3C: Human-Centric companies and cities project. During the event, you’ll learn about what it takes to create human-centric smart city solutions and get inspired by case examples from the cities representatives. We’ll support you in taking the first steps for designing human-centric solutions that meet the cities needs. You’ll leave the event with a clear understanding of the H3C journey ahead of you and your team (if you decide to take part in the following 5-month online training programme). You can sign-up for the training programme after the event. Join us and let’s start developing better personal data based smart city solutions! Read more about the programme and registration here.