More than 200 attended the Brussels conference to convene around the Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative
January 21, 2016, Brussels: People from around Europe gathered to discuss and work with smart cities and the OASC at the Connected Smart Cities Conference in Brussels.
In his opening speech, Mário Campolargo, Director, Net Futures, DG CONNECT, pointed out that OASC contributes to the Digital Single Market by setting standards.
OASC Chair, Dr. Martin Brynskov, was very pleased with the outcome and discussions:
“It’s impressive to see the relative maturity only one year after the original announcement of the initiative. To me, this is a clear indication that there’s a need for a focused conversation about common mechanisms for connecting smart cities. OASC is not about replicating what others do, but to co-create that extra which enables a global market of realtime urban services, with cities having a lead role.”

OASC Chair Martin Brynskov opens the 3rd Connected Smart Cities Conference.
Lively debates dominated both plenary and parallel sessions:
- Opening Plenary
- Plenary panel 1: Policy and Business – survival strategies in the digital urban transition
- Plenary panel 2: Data and Services – Collaborating, competing, connecting
- Parallel session 1: OASC 101 – getting hands-on with API, data models and platforms
- Parallel session 2: Open Session on IoT Large Scale Pilots for Reference Zones in the EU Cities
- Parallel session 3: Living Labs and Open Innovation
- City panel: From European Cross-border Initiatives to Local Impact
- Parallel session 4: Common Ground
- Closing Plenary
Have a look at the full programme with speakers here (PDF) and check out the presentations at OASC Slideshare. And learn more about the sessions through the photos below.
The next Connected Smart Cities Conference will take place in early 2017.

OASC Task Force member Jarmo Eskelinen moderates the panel on Policy and Business.

Juanjo Hierro, FIWARE and Telefonica, explains concept of ‘Coopetion’: Competition on Platform level, collaboration on standards level.

Matti Saastamoinen (Tampere) and Bart Rosseau (Ghent) presenting the speakers of Session 1: OASC 101.

Nuria de Lama, Atos, is sure that the focus needs to shift from technology to the Smart City business model: “We talk too much about Open Data!”

As Moderator of Session 2 – IoT Large Scale Pilots – Sergio Garcia Gomez, AIOTI, gives recommendations for Smart City Large Scale Pilots.

Interested participants listen to the talk of Georgios Tselentis, DG Connect on EU Investments on IoT.

Session 3 on Living Labs attracted most of the conference attendees: Marita Holst and Ana Garcia moderated the Session and gave and overview.
Photos by Lea Hemetsberger and Majken Daugaard.