CIP Forum 2019

The 4th CIP Forum will discuss relevant topics at the junction of cybersecurity and smart cities:

  • Smart Cities Protection and Implications for Protecting Critical Infrastructure
  • Critical Infrastructure of Future City
  • Digital Transformation of Cities and Implications for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Please register here.

In the context of migration and numerous terrorist attacks and the opening of conflict zones the whole world is forced to recalibrate national security strategies and more than that, common policies to overcome unprecedented dynamics of security-related conflicts and instability.

New geopolitical and geostrategic asymmetric threats make it possible to destabilize global, regional, European and/or state security.

Thus, the protection of critical infrastructure is increasingly important and absolutely necessary to assure the safety of the European citizen.
Existing physical and digital infrastructure are under stress because population growth and face challenges determined cyberattacks, extreme weather and climate change.