Download the agenda for the unique two-day workshop “Internet of Things and Smart Cities & Communities Platform Convergence” (#IoT4SCC). The workshop is part of the official IoT Week 2018 programme. Registration for IoT Week 2018 in Bilbao is compulsory in order to participate in the #IoT4SCC workshop.
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The workshop convenes top brass and key experts, building on last years successful sessions in Geneva, bringing the converging platforms, practitioners and strategists together.
From business and governance to platforms and standardisation, the workshop sessions unfold rich, yet targeted discussions and concrete takeaways within the IoT arena from public and private stakeholders, research and academia.
Setting the Scene for Openness and Interoperability
A special ambition is to showcase the emerging specifications for standards-based procurement and innovation of IoT-enabled urban services, including converging work from international standards developing organisations such as ITU, a UN body, ISO, and their regional European and American counterparts such as ETSI, SF-SSCC and NIST.
Co-organised by leading organisations and networks in the field of IoT for Smart Cities & Communities in collaboration with three global lighthouse projects – SynchroniCity, OrganiCity and SharingCities – the aim of this joint workshop is to present a shared vision of open and interoperable standards.
Such standards are currently being put into practical “packaging” as part of the SynchroniCity IoT Large Scale Pilot and will be presented during the workshop. The IoT Large Scale Pilot programme is rolling out a series of open calls, beginning with the SynchroniCity € 3 Million offering targeting SMEs and start-ups.
Martin Brynskov, Coordinator of SynchroniCity, said: “SynchroniCity partners have worked hard to collect and provide the technical baseline. This workshop now marks the next step towards implementing open and transparent mechanisms for the benefit of all stakeholders involved – from citizens and the city to local developers and the global industry”.
Tackling North- and Southbound Interoperability
10 sessions on two days will draw a clear picture of the current state of open and interoperable standards. City officials will present showcases of successful implementation while experts in data security will share insights on how to best combine data protect data with IoT innovation.
The IoT for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence workshop is co-organised by EUROCITIES, IoT Forum, IoT Lab, ITU, Mandat International, OGC, Open & Agile Smart Cities, SharingCities, and SynchroniCity.

Overview of the IoT4SCC workshop sessions