Connected Smart Cities & Communities 2020, the annual conference organised by Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC), is now open for registration. The conference takes place on Thursday, 23 January 2020 in Brussels, Belgium and brings together more than 500 key decision-makers from municipalities, European institutions, international organisations, research & academia, and businesses.
Register before 16 December 2019 to benefit from the early bird prices to Connected Smart Cities & Communities 2020 (CSCC20). Member cities of Open & Agile Smart Cities receive a special offer from which all representatives working for one of our member cities benefit.
Scale With US
Bringing together the OASC community, CSCC20 will focus on how to scale up digital solutions across cities and countries, featuring current initiatives such as the European “Join, Boost, Sustain” Declaration. In four tracks – GREEN, PEOPLE, ECONOMY, and TECH – experts will share knowledge, provide best practices and discuss:
- Why scaling up digital solutions is crucial for achieving international targets such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement,
- How open & interoperable solutions based on global standards contribute to an active and innovative business ecosystem,
- How technology scale-up can be achieved in a fair, trusted and secure manner that is carried by all societal stakeholders
- How European and international initiatives like the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance closely link to European Scale-Up initiatives such as the Join, Boost, Sustain Declaration.
International Speakers
Connected Smart Cities & Communities 2020 brings together high-level international speakers from Europe to the Middle East and Japan. Confirmed speakers include:
- Minna Arve, Mayor of Turku, Finland
- Takehiko Nagumo, Director of Smart City Institute Japan
- Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General of EUROCITIES.
- Bart Rosseau, Chief Data Officer, City of Ghent, Belgium
Stay tuned to hear about the next high-level speakers who will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
The ALURA – An Innovative Space for Exhibitors
At CSCC20, Open & Agile Smart Cities is launching its brand new concept of exhibiting: The ALURA. Providing an agile, open, and social space for fruitful conversations, the ALURA brings together city representatives and businesses.
As exhibitor at CSCC20, companies also have an opportunity to take a front-row seat in the kick-off of the OASC certification mini-PPP. As part of this co-creation process, companies will be certified and cities have the opportunity to discover urban solutions that are compliant with the OASC Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms.
For more information, get in touch with the OASC team:
Highlights of CSCC19
The last edition of Connected Smart Cities & Communities saw 60 high-level speakers taking the stage to share insights and best practices including Roberto Viola, European Commission, Alexander Ntoko, ITU, Shigehiro Muraki, World Economic Forum, and many many more.