SELECT for Cities launches Open Consultation on IoT

OASC Secretariat

Apr 26, 2016


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SELECT for Cities, an initiative that’s changing the way cities in Europe innovate through the creation of city wide Internet-of-Everything (IoE) testing labs, launched an open online consultation. The link to the online consultation is:

With a budget of approximately 4.0 million euro to invest on research and development, SELECT for Cities is deploying a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) process to find and select suppliers who will help the cities of Antwerp, Helsinki and Copenhagen achieve their ambition of becoming large scale IoE testing labs. By using the PCP approach, the consortium of cities will be able to initially fund the design of IoE concepts that explore multiple ideas from a variety of organisations. Upon reviewing the results, a smaller number of solutions will be chosen to enter a funded prototyping phase, and then once again these will be reduced for a final piloting phase.

The aim of todays newly launched consultation is for the procuring cities to hear the thoughts and views of potential suppliers, developers, city experts and other cities, about the current Internet-of-Things (IoT) market, and its potential gaps and needs.

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“It’s incredibly important that this open innovation procurement is not run in a closed manner” said Karin Goedheid of Digipolis Antwerp, the lead procurer. “In order to ensure we are truly funding state-of-the-art developments to create IoE labs, we need to be hearing from those at the coal face of smart city innovation, those organisations and individuals who work to solve city challenges on a daily basis. That’s why we are delighted to launch our consultation at NetFutures 2016, a conference designed to bring together the best of the European technology industry.”

Open Meetings in Antwerp, Helsinki and Copenhagen

In addition to the online consultation, solution providers and other stakeholders, across Europe are also invited to participate in one of three open meetings this Spring to discuss city needs and the PCP process in more detail. The meetings are taking place in Antwerp on the 24 May, Helsinki on the 30 May and Copenhagen on the 6 June and are open and free to attend.

“These meetings provide a unique opportunity for organisations to physically meet the procurers they will be designing solutions for” Goedheid stated. “This is especially true for solution providers who are not physically based in the procuring city locations, after all the funding competition is open to any European Member State, and beyond”.

To learn more about the SELECT for Cities funding process and to take part in the online consultation and /or register for the open meetings visit (

Cooperation between OASC, SELECT for Cities and OrganiCity

The Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative recently laid the foundation for further cooperation with SELECT for Cities and OrganiCity. The three initiatives exhibited jointly at the Net Futures event in Brussels. All parties agreed on working together closely in the future.

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