Slovenia is now organising an open process for cities to become part of the Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) initiative.
Following the last OASC Task Force meeting in Brussels, where Dalibor Baskovc from EuroCloud Slovenia took part as an observer, a series of meetings and events are being prepared so that Slovenian cities can join the network of networks of cities who want to help shape a dynamic demand-driven market for smart city solutions.
The Slovenian cities are foreseen to join the 3rd OASC wave, which will be launched during the Smart City Expo in Barcelona, November 17-19, 2015.
There is more info on the EuroCloud Slovenia website, including contact information for interested parties.
The process follows the suggested steps in the OASC FAQ for new cities and countries.
The Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative’s 1st wave saw 31 cities from 7 countries in Europe and Brazil joining. Deadline for expressing interest in the OASC 2nd wave is August 15, 2015 (deadline for signing is August 31).