Winners Selected for SELECT for Cities Internet-of-Everything PCP

Lea Hemetsberger

Jun 15, 2017


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SELECT for Cities announced the first phase winners from its call for tenders to design and develop a city-wide Internet-of-Everything (IoE) platform for smart city innovation.

SELECT for Cities unveiled ten winners from the 28 responses received in a global call for tenders. The European project aims to deliver a city-wide open innovation platform for the public sector and beyond by supporting the effective use of Internet-of-Everything data and technology. It is achieving its aims using a new type of procurement called Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). Directed by the cities of Antwerp, Copenhagen and Helsinki, PCP is different from traditional methods because it utilizes a series of three competitive phases. In each phase, the number of participating organisations is reduced while the funding levels are increased. The phases range from design to prototyping and testing of the solutions. This competitive approach challenges industries from the demand side to develop innovative solutions for public sector needs, whilst enabling procurers to compare alternative potential solutions and select the best possible solutions that the market can deliver. During Phase 1 of the SELECT for Cities challenge, the following organisations/consortia from across Europe will deliver concept designs for their proposed Internet-of-Everything (IoE) platform solutions:

  • Team Bosonit S.L (lead contractor) – Spain
  • Team etventure Corporate Innovation GmbH (lead contractor) – Germany
  • Hop Ubiquitous S.L. (single contractor) – Spain
  • Indra Sistemas S.A. (single contractor) – Spain
  • Team Engineering, Ingegneria Informatica S.P.A. (lead contractor) – Italy
  • Team Magenta srl (lead contractor) – Italy
  • Team Martel GmbH (lead contractor) – Switzerland
  • Team University of Florence – Department of Information Engineering (lead contractor) – Italy
  • Team Urban Software Institute GmbH (lead contractor) – Germany
  • WINGS ICT Solution (single contractor) – Greece

After evaluation of feasibility reports from Phase 1 winners, SELECT for Cities is expected to announce the winners of Phase 1 who will move forward to Phase 2 demo building activities in late August.