The citizen’s right to the city

OASC Secretariat

Jun 3, 2016


Australia | Blog

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Citizens are the key to the creation of an open and agile smart city: Read the article by Marcus Foth, Professor for Urban Informatics at Queensland University of Technology, about urban and civic innovation.

In a recent article for the Conversation, Marcus Foth stresses the importance of co-creation and the right of citizens to the city.

Cities have not only to focus on people first and be open and agile, they also have to provide space – digital and physical – for people to come together and collaborate on urban and civic innovations.


He states that networks – such as OASC – play an important role. These networks are at the core of pushing governments to engage citizens in smart city developments:

These days, the Open Data Institute Queensland, the Open & Agile Smart Cities network and other entities are prompting governments to go further: to support new private-public partnerships that bridge the common triad of disconnect between technology and government, government and people, and people and technology.


Find out more about how to create a smart city by involving people and discover what is going on in Brisbane and the rest of Australia with regards to Open Data and Smart City initiatives. Find the full article here.

Australian cities participate in OASC since October 2015

Australian cities of Brisbane, Goldcoast and Springfield joined the OASC iniaitive with the 3rd wave on October 21, 2015. Maree Adshead, CEO of the Open Data Institute Queensland, says about the participation of the Australian cities in the network:

“This collaboration by cities of the South East Corner of Queensland demonstrates the region’s leadership in harnessing the vast social, economic and environmental opportunity that open data represents. We are delighted to play our part in co-ordinating extraordinary outcomes for our region through this initiative.”

Read more about the country networks who engaged with OASC together with Australia here.