Open & Agile Smart Cities has been part of the Smart City Expo World Congress since 2017. Together with our project and institutional partners, 2019 was the most successful year to date.
Not only have we launched Stuff that Works with a stage that features both cities, associations, and companies, but also more partners than ever joined our growing expo stand to showcase developments from pre-commercial procurement to open source stewardship.
Here are our three main takeaways from SCEWC 2019 :
1. Operating Data Platforms On Cities’ Terms
More and more cities and communities are operating open urban platforms based on common and open minimal interoperability. Cities like Utrecht, Tampere, and Ghent are leading the way as they have realised that an open urban platform can stimulate experimentation with data-driven solutions.
We have also witnessed that solution providers are increasingly providing offers based on open source components. Additionally, their services use open APIs and open standards, which on the one hand do not lock cities into one system, and on the other hand allows providers to scale with an ever-growing number of cities worldwide who have already implemented such open standards.
2. Innovative Procurement is Key
Cities like Antwerp have long realised that innovative procurement, such as pre-commercial procurement works like a catalyst for local innovation. As a bonus, the city receives tailor-made services that address real local challenges, and the solution providers can increase the technology readiness of their products.
Projects like one of our co-exhibitors SELECT4Cities have been spear-heading this development together with the major European cities Antwerp, Copenhagen, and Helsinki.
3. It’s Time to Scale
Cities from Japan to Europe and Canada are increasingly implementing urban digital solutions to save resources, manage the urban environment better, and lastly improve the lives of their citizens. In projects such as SynchroniCity, SCIFI, and SCORE, cities are already sharing data-driven solutions based on open source and open standards. On a European level, the Scale, Boost, Sustain declaration that was announced at the OASC stand will have impacts beyond Europe on further scaling digital solutions.
What’s Up Next?
OASC is already looking forward to Smart City Expo World Congress 2020. Until then, we will continue to drive the scale-up of open and interoperable urban solutions at our annual Connected Smart Cities & Communities conference taking place in Brussels on 23 Jan 2020. Register now to join this one-of-a kind even bringing together decision-makers from local, national, European and international level.
Register nowStuff that Works Stage: Presentations and Gallery
Below you can download the presentations of our expert speakers at the OASC Stuff that Works stage, and see some photos taken at the event.
Presentations Tuesday 19/11 |
SCORE – ‘Setting the Scence for Smart Cities and Open Data Re-Use’ |
SCORE – City Presentation‘Improving Mobility in the City’ |
SCORE – City Presentation‘‘Water Management as a Common Challenge’ |
City of Tampere‘Intelligent Street Lighting’ |
SCIFI‘Introduction to Smart City Innovation’ |
Seoul Digital Foundation – ‘Examples of International Cooperation – the GDIA’ |
Smart Flanders – ‘A regional approach to joint procurement, open data and more’ |
Slides |
Wednesday 20/11 |
SELECT4Cities – ‘Impact of Pre-Commercial Procurement’ |
UrbanTide – ‘USMART Data Insights Platform’ |
Engineering – ‘The Digital Enabler’ |
Slides |
Martel Innovate – ‘Orchestra Cities’ |
PoliVisu – ‘Impact of Data Visualisation’ |
DUET – ‘Urban Digital Twins’ |
Connected Places Catapult – ‘Running Pilots for Scale-Up’ |
Slides |
European Commission – ‘Scaling Up Digital Solutions in Europe: Tools and Support’’ |
Digital Catapult – ‘SynchroniCity Data Marketplace |
City of Milan – ‘Pilots for Impact’ |
Slides |
City of Antwerp – ‘Innovative Procurement’ |
Smart City Institute – ‘OASC Japan & Japan’s Super City Strategy’ |
World Economic Forum – ‘The G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance’ |
Slides |
Thursday 21/11 |
Foundation for Public Code – ‘Codebase Stewardship’ |
City of Limerick – ‘Urban Digital Transformation in Limerick: Lighthouse Smart City ‘ |
City of Utrecht – ‘The City Innovation Platform’ |