



09:45 – 10:15 Opening and Introduction to the plenary session 
Opening by Karl-Filip Coenegrachts – OASC Chair of the Board of Directors
Introduction to the plenary session by Martin Brynskov– OASC Founding Director & Tech Lead
10:15 – 10:45 Keynote speeches
Keynote speech by Cristina Bueti, United Nations counsellor for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and counsellor for the United 4 Smart Sustainable Cities Initiative (U4SSC).
Keynote speech by Mattias Bergdahl, Deputy Head of Unit – Standards Policy at DG GROW, European Commission.
10:45 – 11:30 Panel Debate – Moderator: Martin Brynskov
Panel debate with:
– Cristina Bueti, ITU
– Mattias Bergdahl, EC
– Claus Popp Larsen, RISE
– Cristina Martinez, EC
– Kristina Khutsishvili, UVA
– Hans Teuben, Capgemini
– Martin Bauer, NEC
– Roland van der Heijden, Municipality of Rotterdam
12:00 – 13:00 Workshops by OASC, FARI and Québec Government Office in Brussels 
Workshop 1: MIMs for dummies @ Auditorium – Hosts: Martin Brynskov, Michael Mulquin, Sophie Meszaros
MIMs for dummies: An introduction to the OASC MIMs or minimal interoperability mechanisms. All you have ever wanted to know about these minimal requirements for digital tools.
Workshop 2: Local Artificial Intelligence for Communities and Public Administrations, where to start? @ Breakout room 2 – Hosts: FARI, AI for the common good Brussels Institute & Quebec Brussels Government Office.
Local Artificial Intelligence for Communities and Public Administrations, where to start?: A workshop with concrete examples and strategies cities have implemented to use AI & data technologies responsibly. Participants’ perspectives will be asked on what should be the priority topics when it comes to AI for local communities and public administrations.
Workshop 3: Knowledge exchange and collaboration on local digital transformation – the Living-in.EU initiative (30 min) @ Breakout room 5 – Host: Gabriela Ruseva, Eurocities & Giacomo Lozzi, ENoLL
Knowledge exchange and collaboration on local digital transformation – the Living-in.EU initiative: Introducing the Living-in.EU network and community to the participants. We will start with a general introduction of the movement and its objectives, and will then go on to present the strategy for the upscaling of cross-domain interoperable digital solutions (local data platforms, data spaces and local digital twins).
Workshop 4: 5G for Smart Communities Support Platform (30 min) @ Breakout room 5 – Host: Bernadett Koteles, European Commission
5G for Smart Communities Support Platform
Workshop 5: Local Digital Twin Toolbox @ Breakout room 4 – Host: Eliana Gerardi, Intellera Consulting

The DG Connect Local Digital Twin Toolbox: Interactive session to introduce the DG CONNECT LDT Toolbox project and gather insights from the participants:

– Identify the needs that a LDT Toolbox should meet

– Outline key components of the Toolbox

– Start identifying legal, functional and technical requirements

14:30 – 16:00 Interactive Workshops on Projects @ Breakout rooms

– Breakout room n° 2, URBANITE & OASC: “Open source for communities/data spaces for smart cities & communities/disruptive technologies adoption for a data-based policy making process”

– Breakout room n° 6, Vrije Universiteit Brussel: “Smart Cities as Serendipity Engines: Embrace the Unexpected”

Participants attend their first workshop from 14.30h until 15.15h and the second workshop from 15.15h until 16.00h. 

14:30 – 16:00 Presentation on the MIMs version 6.0 @ Auditorium // Hybrid
Deep dive into the newest version of OASC MIMs, including validation per MIM, open to OASC members – OASC
16:30 – 17:30 Speed networking sessions @ Breakout rooms
  1. “Cutting Edge AI – Needs & ideas for OASC-members” ( project), Joost Haugmark Jensen, Chief consultant – Confederation of Danish Industry. Breakout room n° 6.
  2. “Modelling Digital Twins using NGSI-LD”, Martin Bauer, Senior standardization engineer – NEC Laboratories Europe. Breakout room n° 2.
  3. “Experiment with data for free with the support of the European Union”, Maria Claudia Bodino, Data scientist, IT Strategy and Planning Officer, Big Data Test Infrastructure – DG DIGIT, European Commission. Breakout room n° 5.
16:30 – 17:30 OASC General Assembly, open to all members @ Auditorium // Hybrid
  1. Official opening of the G.A. by the Chairperson, Karl-Filip Coenegrachts
  2. Roll call: quorum present, Margarida Campolargo
  3. Approval of the agenda
  4. MIMs validation session
  5. Annual reports (projects; Council of Cities; new OASC members; OASC’s strategic vision)
  6. Elections: announcement of candidates and election results for OASC Council of Cities mandates
  7. Closure
17:30 –  Closure @ Auditorium
Karl-Filip Coenegrachts – OASC Chair Board of Directors

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